Amazing video of a bee queen birth, bee sex, drone congregation areas, mating, flights, marking, caging and more.  You may never question the price of a queen bee again after you witness the many steps and challenges along the way,  Some days it seems like a miracle that she returns to the same colony at all and is able to start laying.

Watch it here:

Current Sources for Queen Bees

Bob Wellemeyer, Windsong Apiary has some now and/or over the next few weeks.  Home Raised in Virgina.   or 540-229-5359

Eversweet Apiary. WV. Imported VSH. Also sells 2 frame nucs for reuqeening.

Other commercial sources (CA imported) that use VSH or hygienic stock are Heitkam Honey Bees, Olivarez, Strachan, and Tabor.  Google to find contact info or advertisements in Bee Culture or American Bee Journal