Promoting Responsible & Sustainable Beekeeping

Become a Member

Our association brings together residents of Prince William, Fauquier, Stafford, Fairfax, and surrounding counties interested in beekeeping and related topics. We welcome new members and are happy to help you get started in your beekeeping adventure!

Need a Honey Bee Swarm Removed?

Find out the information needed before contacting the swarm dispatcher. Once you alert us, the dispatcher will assign a PWRBA member to remove a swarm from your property. This is usually a free or low cost service.

Virginia Beekeeping Teacher's Consortium

Introductory Beekeeping Classes in Northern Virginia & Beyond

The Virginia Beekeepers Teaching Consortium is a group of teachers throughout the region that teach from a similar curriculum. They sometimes sponsor special events and classes.

It’s time to think about Nucs & Splits

PWRBA website has many great resources on how to make a nucleus colony, splits, increases, and more right here:

Jan 14th 2025 Bee Club featuring Dr. Tom Seeley (zoom only)

Tuesday, January 14th at 7 pm. Join PWRBA in January to here Dr. Tom Seeley talk about Darwinian Beekeeping. Note ZOOM only. PWRBA members will get a zoom log in prior to the event. Dr. Thomas D. Seeley is the Horace White Professor Emeritus in Biology at Cornell...

Join Us! PWRBA Club Mtg. Nov. 12th

Join PWRBA Tuesday November 12th at 7 pm at the Manassas Church of the Brethren. Find us downstairs. 10047 Nokesville Road, Manassas, VA 20110

Bee School 2025 Open House Nov 16 1-3 pm

Want to keep honey bees? Wonder if beekeeping is for you? Please join us at our Bee School Open House on Saturday November 16th from 1-3 at the Manassas Church of the Brethren downstairs at 10047 Nokesville Road (route 28) Manassas, VA Bee School will start in...

“One of the beekeeper’s very first tasks must be the study of bee behavior and the adaptation of himself if he wishes for success.”

Brother Adam

Beekeeping at Buckfast Abbey

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