Our educational outreach continues in September and October with two events. VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED as well as a VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR

Western Prince William Farm Tour- The bee booth sets up in the field next to Jay Yankey's Pumpkin Patch on Vint Hill Road.  Saturday September 27th usually from 10-4 and Sunday September 28th usually from 12-4.  This event is open to all.

Farm Field Days- This event is only for school children who are bused in the Prince William Fairgrounds. 2-3 Volunteers are needed each day on Wednesday and Thursday October 15th and 16th. Free lunch is provided.

We are in DESPERATE NEED of a VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR for these events.  Please help the club out- make a few phone calls and encourage participation in these events, organize the schedule of volunteers.  There are very few events where children and adults for that matter can connect with agricultural endeavors in PW County.  These events offer this.  Be part of it!  Contact Club President Ben Gimeno if you are willing and able to assist as volunteer coordinator.