A Wide View

Hear all about bees, pollination and a big wide view on what’s been happening from Maine State Apiarist, Tony...

Get ready for next season- It’s sure to be better!

Get ready for next season!  Winter is a great time to build your wooden ware and think about plans for next year. NEXT YEAR will always be better right? We are fortunate to have several wooden ware providers within driving distance. Many of them also sell queens. Find...

The Queen has a Beekeeper? So does the White House

The Queen of the United Kingdom, much like the First Lady of the United States has a garden and honeybees. Both queens enjoy a magnificent garden.  Take a peak at the bees across the pond and where they forage here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VA-JXy-JqYU The Bees...