VA Bee Laws & Best Management Practices

Prince William Zoning

Virginia Beekeeping Laws

VDACS Beekeeping and Apiary Inspection

VDACS Apiary Inspection Map

Virginia Bee Check Program

Study of the Plight of Virginia’s Beekeepers (SD20) and Two Year Report

Beekeeping Best Management Practices

The Best Management Practices in Virginia for the Operation of Apiaries in Order to Limit Operator Liability is codified in the administrative code    The specific VA code that outlines  Best Management Practices for the Keeping of Honey Bees is found here.

Contact information for the Department:
Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Office of Plant and Pest Services
P.O. Box 1163
Richmond, VA 23218
Telephone: 804.786.3515
FAX: 804.371.7793