Spend time with other beekeepers.  Treat yourself to a great beekeeping meeting on a State, National, or East Coast scale - all within easy DRIVING DISTANCE.

Virginia State Beekeeping Association (VSBA)- less than 2 hours away in Weyers Cave, VA.  Nov.  2-3, 2012. See:  http://www.virginiabeekeepers.org/content/meetings-events

American Bee Federation- Hershey, PA.  January 8-12, 2013.  See: http://www.abfnet.org/

Eastern Apicultural Society - Westchester, PA (right near Philadelphia)- Short Course is August 5-6, 2013 and the conference is August 7-9, 2012. See: http://www.easternapiculture.org/conferences/eas-2013.html