The November PWRBA Club Meeting will be held Tuesday November 8th at 7 pm. via zoom. A link will be sent to all members via our email.

"Honey bees and wild bees: when does competition occur and how do we mitigate risk?" with Dr. Maureen Page & Kailin Deutsch

Dr. Page is a postdoctoral researcher in the McArt Lab at Cornell University. Her dissertation work at the University of California, Davis examined how, when, and where honey bees compete with native bees for pollen and nectar. Her upcoming work investigates how flower plantings might mitigate and prevent the negative impacts of competition between wild and managed bees. Kaitlin Deutsch is a PhD student in the McArt Lab at Cornell University. Her dissertation focuses on how pathogens are shared between managed honey bees and wild pollinators. Specifically, she is interested in how beekeeping practices may impact virus spillover into the wild bumble bee community, and the effects of such viruses in non-Apis insects.