Honey for a Sweet New Year?

The Jewish Culture celebrates their New Year (Rosh Hashona) right along with the bees- In September.  Dipping apples in honey is a traditional practice to symbolize hope for a sweet new year. Others believe the Shekhinah is watching and evaluating our behavior during...

Bees at George Mason including some help from PWRBA

George Mason University has bees, and some of our own club members- Miss. Louise Edsall and the Sweet Virginia Foundation are helping them out.  See the article here. http://about.gmu.edu/masons-honey-bees-give-students-a-sweet-opportunity/

Fair Time- Volunteers Needed

Prince William County Fair is just around the corner and we are once again exhibiting and spreading the buzz on bees! We need your help! We will have our full display at the Fair, including our observation hive, from Aug 9th through the 17th. The Fair is open this...

Maryland State Beekeepers Association Mtg. FREE

http://www.mdbeekeepers.org/meetings.html MSBA Spring 2013 Meeting to Feature Author and Entomologist Dr. Gene Kritsky Date: June 15, 2013, University of Maryland/College Park, Plant Sciences Building Auditorium Dr Gene Kritsky is Professor and Chair of Biology at the...

USDA and EPA Release New Report on Honey Bee Health

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today released a comprehensive scientific report on honey bee health. The report states that there are multiple factors playing a role in honey bee colony...